A Seventy-Four-Year-Old Widow in Nordstrom’s Lingerie Department

A chaste kiss at seventeen under the front porch light. Forgotten words twenty-five years later at their high school reunion. A dance promised but not taken at the fiftieth — her ride was waiting. Seven years later she is in the lingerie department at Nordstrom’s being helped by a smirking shop girl younger than her granddaughter. She is trying on black lacy bras and panties for a married man three thousand miles away. She smiles in the mirror, wondering which ones he would like. She can’t remember the last time she was this happy. She doesn’t ask the price.

Jeffrey Hantover is the author of two recent novels, The Forenoon Bride and The Three Deaths of Giovanni Fumiani. His work has previously appeared in The Centifictionist. Website: jhantover.com.