The Lesser One

Father told me nature reveals creation through paradox.

It sits at the center of contradiction, gleams in the contrast of opposites, makes known from the unknown, dispels the dark to view sacred light. Wisdom that guides me still to provide remedies for villagers long after Father’s death who dared share the mysteries with a daughter—a most treacherous of feats to risk his collar, suppression, or even hung like the witches he had saved from the rack. This utmost of ironies began when he lay bare his library to a lesser and may end when I no longer ask why.

Robin Throne is a recipient of a literary achievement award from the Midwest Writing Center, a fiction chapbook prize from Gambling the Aisle, and a Writer’s Well literary fiction award. Her fiction and poetry have appeared recently in Nymphs, Drabblez, Voice of Eve, and The Ravens Perch, among others. Visit Twitter: @RobinThrone.

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